At StaFi, we prioritize security, decentralization and user experience. We strive to constantly improve these areas by exploring new ways to enhance security, decentralize our network, and improve the user experience.
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The significance of security cannot be overstated, as it ensures the safety and reliability of the services being provided.
Ensuring security is of paramount importance for StaFi. As a platform that is committed to providing a safe and reliable staking service to its users, we take all necessary measures to protect against potential security breaches.
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rETH Validator Security Upgrade
With this upgrade, StaFi is increasing the deposit and withdraw security mechanism while also fixing some bugs.
Withdrawal Credential Change to Withdraw Contract
By supporting this function, StaFi could develop a 100% public and audited Withdraw Contract and sign StaFi withdrawal credential to this Contract, making it more decentralized and secure. This means that withdrawal credentials are no longer under centralized control, and the risk of losing ETH assets due to centralization is eliminated.
New Round Audits
StaFi has the option to choose from several audit companies for its rETH upgrade code. For instance, Certik, Halborn, and PeckShield are among the most reputable audit companies that can conduct a thorough and detailed examination of the code. By conducting a detailed audit, it will ensure that the audit report covers all aspects of the rETH upgrade code, including its security features, functionalities, and performance and the rETH upgrade code meets the highest standards of security and quality, which will ultimately enhance trust and confidence among the users.
User Experience is the glue that binds users to the product and the magic that turns a simple interaction into a memorable experience. Like a chef who carefully selects the ingredients and crafts them into a delicious meal.
StaFi is committed to improving the user experience for our community, we believe that by making staking more accessible and user-friendly, we can help drive greater adoption of DeFi protocols and bring the benefits of LSD to more people.
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rETH Commission Fee Decrease
StaFi is committed to continuously improving our product to ensure the best possible user experience. Given the competitive market for LSD, we have decided to adjust our strategy in order to find new ways to grow. After conducting a detailed comparison between StaFi and other LSD protocols, we are proposing an update to our commission fee structure.
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rToken APP Upgrade: Less Gas, More User Friendly
We are pleased to announce the upgrade of the rToken APP, which aims to improve the user experience by reducing gas consumption and enhancing user-friendliness. With the new upgrade, users can now enjoy a more seamless and efficient experience when using the rToken APP. In addition to reducing gas consumption, the upgrade also includes new features that will help users better manage their assets, such as an intuitive dashboard and the integration of multiple wallets.
Multiple Nodes Matching Simultaneously
This delightful function enhances the matching mechanism for rETH validators. Our improvements now allow a single validator to match and run multiple nodes simultaneously, provided that there is extra ETH available to deposit.
Peg Fixing and APR Improving
rETH liquidity is fundamental for its Repeg and Defi use cases. Rebeg problem could be vanished through pool arbitrage and rETH would being as the base for its Defi Lego. In order to solve the rETH liquidity problem, StaFi team is exploring multiple directions such as liquidity incentives and product improvement. In the liquidity incentive part, we are now connecting with multiple DEXs such as Balancer and Camelot, ready to put rETH incentives in those pools, as well as the Lending protocols such as Radiant and Demex for building the rETH Defi use cases. In the product improvement part, we recently published our brand new rToken APP and decreased user commission fees.
Trends Exploration
In the fast-paced world of Crypto, staying up to date with the latest trends is crucial. With constant evolution and change, it is important to be aware of the latest developments. One such trend that has been gaining a lot of attention recently is the use of layer2 solutions. These include Ethereum layer2, side chains, and rollups such as zkevm and optimistic rollups. In addition to the aforementioned trends, BTC layer2 solutions are also an area of great interest. At StaFi, we are constantly investigating these trends and striving to develop our technologies. We are actively searching for new integration and cooperation opportunities for rETH, and we believe that staying ahead of the curve in the world of Crypto is essential for success.
rETH Massive Adaption
StaFi is actively working to identify and implement rETH Massive Adoption use cases. We constantly innovate and expand the edge of our LSD business, while also collaborating with other protocols such as DEXs and Lending protocols. Additionally, we are exploring new channel opportunities in Layer1 and Layer2 to further enhance our capabilities and reach. StaFi team is dedicated to staying at the forefront of the industry and delivering the best possible solutions to our community.
Decentralization is about more than just distributing power, it's about creating a community of equals, all working towards a common goal. In a decentralized network, the power is in the hands of the users.
In StaFi, we firmly believe that decentralization is the key to creating a more trustworthy and secure platform for our community. To this end, we have been implementing a decentralized governance mechanism, increasing the number of validators, exploring DVT technologies, and continuously striving to improve the overall decentralization of our platform.
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Withdrawal Credential Change to Withdraw Contract
By supporting this function, StaFi could develop a 100% public and audited Withdraw Contract and sign StaFi withdrawal credential to this Contract, making it more decentralized and secure. This means that withdrawal credentials are no longer under centralized control, and the risk of losing ETH assets due to centralization is eliminated.
rETH validator campaign
Since the Shanghai upgrade is coming, there are demands from stakers and validators want to stake/unstake the ETH, to balance the match of stakers and validators, StaFi will launch a validator campaign to accelerate the adoption of rETH solution. Further more, in order to improve StaFi to a higher lever of security , StaFi foundation proposes to establish a validator working group(without kyc), including solo validators(permissionless) and trusted validators(permission) ,which will create a health communication channel with the validator community. StaFi is a decentralized protocol and we understand how crucial validators are to our development and we are grateful for their efforts. To continue growing and improving our ecosystem, we want to attract more validators and we are planning a comprehensive validator airdrop and campaign that will offer short-term and long-term benefits to participants.
DVT Integration & Development
StaFi is a D-LSD protocol that is committed to achieving greater decentralization. In line with this goal, we are connecting with the SSV team and exploring potential deep integration opportunities. We believe this partnership will allow us to greatly improve StaFi decentralization level. In addition, our research team is working hard to explore the potential of DVT technology and we are committed to integrating this technology into our rToken APP and the wider StaFi ecosystem.
Run StaFi validator through DVT
DAO governance & On-chain Vote
StaFi is committed to continuing its efforts in developing and enhancing the DAO governance model, which will enable on-chain voting capabilities in the near future. This will allow for increased community involvement and participation, as well as a more decentralized decision-making process.
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